
My Top Books on the Reading Science

You've heard about the "science of reading" and now you want to learn more -- but who do you trust and where do you turn first? Here are my top 5 must reads to get a strong grasp of the research in clear teacher/parent friendly terms! 1.  The Reading Mind by Daniel T. Willingham - This relatively quick read is a very comprehensive synthesis on how the brain learns to read. It is a great starting point to get your toes wet and gain a broad perspective on the current science and what it means for literacy instruction. Willingham's clever spin also makes it fun and engaging! He's also pretty active and resourceful on Twitter @DTWillingham 2.  The Art and Science of Reading by Christopher Such - Another quick read that would be an equally comprehensive starting point to get the "big picture" of the reading research. Here, Such synthesizes the most recent evidence but delineates existing practices that may not be aligned to converged empirical findings. He is...